大東 和飛輪海 走過的一切 是抹不掉難忘的記憶
大家一起 走過了這一段路 遇到了另一個里程碑
而下一段 又會帶來不同的體驗和感動

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Chun's here~
LOL I love your glasses. So funny XD Where did you get them? Hahaa.
And what's with the bananananana? I don't get it lol.

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哈哈 禹哲晚了一天哦
所以就不跟你計較啦 哈哈 開玩笑 怎么會計較呢
禹哲有時間上來 好高興

dontl1etom3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

好像天天開心 是你的性格哦
簽唱會 一定很熱鬧吧

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每次都好溫馨的感覺 有花 很配東的臉哦

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哈哈 亦儒是飛的第三個回來的

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dontl1etom3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

模模糊糊的 還是很帥

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hallo chun
it's great to see your update again~ heheee
you should see my trackback xD

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Aiyah~ Romantic Princess ended...
I have all the episodes but no time to watch it =/ hopefully I will be able to during the winter break. 2 weeks YAY
Finally will be done with all college apps. YESYESYES. I'm happy.

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終極一家 這部精彩的戲
終于看完了 還是覺得不夠哦
好期待 明年的終極一街 希望會更精彩 呵呵

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Ooooh IT'S CHUN~~~ And it's all anglais again ;) lol btw anglais="English" in French heheh
Awww... You're so busy I wish I could give you some of my sleep time so that you get more rest
But of course, I'll always be with you no matter where you go or what you do for a living! It's been like that from the first time I laid my eyes on you. =D

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