Hallo hallo konichiwa~
How have you been, my dear Calvin-san?
You're the only one out of Fahrenheit not doing drama, so you're promoting the album, eh? That's a pretty heavy job, 只有很被信任的人才能做的哦。所以啊 加油!
I had no idea what Hohhot was; I thought it's just some random stuff you made up for the album's name that includes "hot" somehow. XD lol

dontl1etom3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My god, arron-san
發現你在新浪采訪的時候 說“Ti amo"是西班牙語, "Te quiero"是意大利語
But noooooo........
"Ti amo" is definitely Italian and "te quiero" is Spanish~!
You complete switched the two. XD

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小小B 找到啦!呵呵 不好意思 我開始寫成了小BB。。。
不過很高興 很好啊

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Happy Valentine's Day! 情人節快樂!!To my dear...
Chun 尊
Jiro 東

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而他永遠不會忘記這個人的侵犯 哈哈

dontl1etom3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

大東 來拜年來咯

dontl1etom3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

阿尊啊 回來咯
恭喜發財 紅包拿來 全部都給我哦
呵呵 Angela講的 蠻有意思
Chun can spend Chinese New Year with his family... So envious xD

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dontl1etom3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

亦儒啊 真的是好長時間沒上來啦
今天看見你的新帖 高興啊
還能搶到前幾個引用的 興奮ing!

dontl1etom3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Aww, Chun. You're so considerate to your fans.
It would be great if you make more trips to mainland China because that will greatly increase the possibility of me seeing you this summer! So please do as you promise and ask your company for more trips there~ Because I know you cannot come to America lah~ hahah.
Yay, first concert! It's going to be grand and splendid. I just know it.
I want to see some of your ideas in action too, Chun. So 加油~

dontl1etom3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

禹哲的update 還蠻多的
體貼的帥哥哥 就非你莫屬啦 呵呵

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大東穿個帥帥的羽絨衫 好酷
不過題目 Very 指的是什么啊 還是大東想秀一下英文好呢?哈哈

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I got a Pixnet account so long ago just to participate in the XFamily promotion. And recently I got an email from PIXNET that if I don't log in soon my account will be shut down. HAHAHA. I use Wretch way too much.
My Pixnet is DYING~ Oh no
I guess I should update?
But no one comes anyways so whatever. =]

dontl1etom3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

I feel like I'm missing something.
No matter how hard I try, I can't just ignore this feeling.
Life is not whole.
Emptiness feels me up.
I don't know what I should do.

dontl1etom3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

什么來了? 猜一下  呵呵
是飛的新專輯啊 男人版 黑色的 超大包裝
從載別人車時候 看到對面的家 看到信箱里面有一的大東西 就興奮了起來
心里想著 一定來了

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