I feel like I'm missing something.
No matter how hard I try, I can't just ignore this feeling.
Life is not whole.
Emptiness feels me up.
I don't know what I should do.

I don't want to go out with my friends.
I don't want to watch TV.
I don't want to sleep.
I don't want to play video games.
I don't want to do ANYTHING.
What is WRONG with me!?

I put up a happy exterior. But on the inside I'm hurting.
I guess as a Pisces my emotions are exaggerated as if under a magnifier. But it shouldn't be this bad.
What? How? Why?
Life. What does it mean?
How do I live it happily?
Why am I born the way I am?
Why can't I think happier thoughts?

I guess a lot of people have to go through this stage of unhappiness.
My mind is a mess of thoughts.
I should be happy, since I got accepted to UM. But.... That seems to not be my goal in life anymore.
College? Screw that.
Maybe Persona 3 affected me. Its characters went through emotions of questioning one's purpose in life and thinking too much. Maybe I am thinking too much.
How do I STOP, though?
I guess I could just go to sleep, and maybe tomorrow a new day will heal my ugly thoughts.

My dreams also affect me.
I haven't dreamt of him in a long time.
Why is this starting over again?
I told myself to stop it because it's POINTLESS. But why do my dreams do the opposite of what I want them to?
He's so nice in my dream. Despite my supposedly ending my thinking of him, I still hope that my dream isn't the opposite of reality, that he does care for me.
Why do I think this much?
I know I think too much but I can't stop.
O geez. I should stop.
Feeling bad for myself is just a bad thing I should get over. Get over it and all the negative thoughts.
Writing and venting really helps.
Now I'm kind of calmed down. =]

I know I can always calm down by looking at my favorite boys.
Thanks, Fahrenheit, for your existence. Because you comfort me when I need it the most
<3 Shibbi

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