
ahahahah Chun you're so cool
that picture is great - you look very martial art-sy
i remember you saying you're superman on Mingpao because the other three are sick in each of his way and you're not lol XD
stay strong baby ;)

you're amazing. superman! yay hahah
I'm hyper. just had sushi. <3 sushi is great.

Aww Phillipines is your priority? What about all the other places? Brunei? Taiwan? Mainland China? Singapore? US (maybe XD come on)? Canada (where Calvin+Aaron already went but YOU haven't)?
seems like you had a bunch of fun traveling to those places :D
good job on your little sneaking around in HK hehe. I want to go there too. My friend from school's from there and I've heard such great stuff.

Who did you get that letter from? I agree it has a good point. Simple yet poignant.
We do have to live in the moment at least for a bit.
people tell us that we should think about the future more, but who knows what's going to happen?
that being said, a little planning doesn't hurt either hahah.
i'll be happy. college life is fun so far. in between doing homework right before it's due, working when i don't really feel like it, and going out with friends, it's a pretty fulfilling experience.
now i know why people tell me college is the best time of your life. =]
but I'll always be happy when I think of you too because you're great and you're the first celebrity I liked. ever. ^-^

aw chun. you're so cute. i love you. heheh.

<3 shibbi

p.s. can't wait until butterfly lovers/武侠梁祝/劍蝶. why did they change the name lol 剑蝶 is cute.

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